I need to piece together an approximately 3 minute video as an introduction to myself for an application video. I saw a couple amazing ones on your site and if its indeed as simple to edit and customize as you say it is I would definitely go for one of the templates.
My only concern is most of the ones I’m looking at are not reaching the length I need. Is it also easy to extend the video with similar, repeated frames/sections as its easy to edit?
I have only been working with static graphical tools so far such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign so I do have a little clue of how Adobe works and I would very much be interested in this if the above requirement would be easy to handle.
Thank you in advance for a fast reply
Regards from Hungary,
Hello Pete
Thank you for contaminate us.
Interesting question, wile editing is easy adding more image holders is difficult because each extra image needs to be animated.
You could render out a template with the number of images that it includes, and after this make another render with different images. This way you have 2 videos and you could edit them together.
This is the easiest way to increase the number of images/videos shown on a template.
I have a similar questions. Can I increase the length of the video in each frame . If yes , how pls.
Please email us at support@bluefx.net describing the template that you need help with.
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